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    ·图书馆学深造文凭(Kuring-gai 高等教育学院)


    ·“Legal Research” in Wolski, B Skills Ethics and Values for Legal Practice 2nd ed Sydney, Thomson Reuters 2009

    ·Hong Kong Legal Research: Methods and Skills, Sweet and Maxwell Asia 2007

    ·“信息时代法律图书馆馆员的角色定位” ,《法律文献信息与硏究》2008年第1期, 28-32页

    ·“Role of the Law Librarian in the Information Age”: Presentation to Beijing Law Librarians Meeting November 9th 2007 in Beijing

    ·“Legal Research” in Wolski, B   Legal Skills, a Practical Guide for Students, Sydney, Thomson Publishing 2006

    ·Telecommunications law with regard to the USO principle in Australia, the United States and Europe. (1999) 10 (2) Journal of Law and Information Science 184-206

    ·Joint paper presented to Asian Library Conference 1996 on “Legal Electronic Developments in the South Pacific”.

    ·Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association (AMPLA) Bibliography (3rd ed). Sydney, Law Book Co 1994 (in conjunction with AMPLA)

    ·Paper presented to the Law Librarian’s Interest Group at the Australasian Law Teachers Conference in Christchurch NZ 1993. This paper was entitled:  “Standards, Co-operation and Rationalisation within Academic Law Libraries”. Published in   (1994) 2 (1) Australian Law Librarian 10-16

    ·Australasian Natural Resources Law Bibliography 1992-1994. (1994) 1 (1) Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy 321-339




 Law Librarian, Lee Quo Wei Law Library, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    The Law Librarian of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Lee Quo Wei Law Library, Mr John Bahrij, has been working in this field for more than twenty years.  Before coming to Hong Kong John was Law Librarian at Bond University in Queensland Australia and Adjunct Assistant Professor teaching legal research skills. Prior to those positions John was foundation Law Librarian at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji and the University of Wollongong in NSW Australia. He has also held professional law positions at the University of NSW in Sydney Australia.

    Education and Professional Qualifications:
    ·BA (Macq)
    ·Grad Dip Library Science (KCAE)
    ·Grad Dip Commercial and Corporate Law (Bond)

    Research Interests:
    ·Legal Research
    ·Information Technology, Telecommunications and Internet Law

    Representative Publications:
    ·“Legal Research” in Wolski, B Skills Ethics and Values for Legal Practice2nd ed Sydney, Thomson Reuters 2009

    ·Hong Kong Legal Research: Methods and Skills, Sweet and Maxwell Asia 2007

    ·The Role of the Law Librarian in the Information Age. 2008/1 Information and Research of Legal Literature  (法律文献信息与硏究) 28-32 (In Chinese)

    ·“Role of the Law Librarian in the Information Age”: Presentation to Beijing Law Librarians Meeting November 9th 2007 in Beijing

    ·“Legal Research” in Wolski, B Legal Skills, a Practical Guide for Students, Sydney, Thomson Publishing 2006

    ·Telecommunications law with regard to the USO principle in Australia, the United States and Europe. (1999) 10 (2) Journal of Law and Information Science 184-206

    ·Joint paper presented to Asian Library Conference 1996 on “Legal Electronic Developments in the South Pacific”.

    ·Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association (AMPLA) Bibliography (3rd ed). Sydney, Law Book Co 1994 (in conjunction with AMPLA)

    ·Paper presented to the Law Librarian’s Interest Group at the Australasian Law Teachers Conference in Christchurch NZ 1993. This paper was entitled:  “Standards, Co-operation and Rationalisation within Academic Law Libraries”. Published in   (1994) 2 (1) Australian Law Librarian 10-16

    ·Australasian Natural Resources Law Bibliography 1992-1994. (1994) 1 (1) Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy 321-339

    Contract email: johnbahrij@lib.cuhk.edu.hk

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